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Share Your IonCleanse Ionic Foot Bath Experience With Dr. Bob Moroney

Dr. Bob Moroney, founder of A Major Difference, is in the process of completing his first book on Complete Body Detoxification, which will cover the IonCleanse® ionic foot bath as well as other detoxification protocols.

We know that many of you have had wonderful experiences using the IonCleanse® detox foot baths. We would like you to send us stories to share with future readers about:

  • How you (or your patient) felt before and after an IonCleanse® ionic foot bath session.
  • What kind of symptoms you (or your patients) had, and how the IonCleanse® ionic foot bath impacted them.
  • Any experiences on the effect of the IonCleanse® on autism and ADD/ADHD in children.

We will select a few of these testimonials for inclusion in the book.

To show our gratitude, we will give a complimentary copy of the published book to everyone who responds with their story (publish date of the book is TBA).

Please email your testimonials to Please include the following release:

"I, [NAME], give my full permission to A Major Difference, Inc. to use this testimonial in any forms and for any purposes it desires."

Thank you for your continued support!

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