Back to blog Thirteen Years of Quality and Still Going Strong Barbara Moroney January 24, 2016 Recently one of our customers sent us a picture of the three IonCleanse® by AMD ion footbaths she has used in her practice regularly since she purchased them’in 2002. For the past thirteen-plus years her IonCleanse® footbath systems have been in continual use. While our current customers may not recognize the models because the units have gone through several redesigns; what has not changed is the quality and durability of their hardware and their most advanced technology that delivers safer and more effective detoxification than any other foot bath. The history of AMD is rooted in the quest to understand the intricacies of ionic detoxification and to use that knowledge to offer customers the most effective and healthful ionic foot bath experience possible. Founder Bob Moroney was introduced to the technology in 1999 and was impressed by his first session. Dr. Bob and his son Neill spent many months attending trade shows’giving sessions to sell-out-crowd lines of curious practitioners and building their reservoir of knowledge about how the technology works and how people respond to it. When Dr. Bob was ready to develop his own machine, one that would have the quality he wanted for his customers, his first-hand experience giving ionic foot bath sessions to thousands of people led to the design of AMD’s patented dual polarity array feature and an electrical delivery system that is completely safe. And, as important as the development of these mechanical features, was the commitment to providing customers with quality lifetime support. Over the years that customer support has been bolstered by AMD President Neill Moroney’s commitment to focus solely on the IonCleanse® ‘ maintaining its high standard of quality, understanding more of its subtle effects’such as the relaxation response, and being attentive to the importance of delivering frequencies that are not only safe but also help the body to heal itself. Customers not only benefit from the quality of the machine but also Neill’s depth of knowledge about the process. Under Neill’s guidance, AMD continues to stay true to the original commitment and to support our customers in their lifestyle goal of good health.